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In answer to an emerging need of systematic research on the relationship between public governance and performance, this paper focuses on the smart city scenario by adopting a critical perspective and an interpretivist approach. The analysis is informed through the Foucauldian “governmentality” framework (Foucault, 2009) and its bio-political implications (Foucault, 2008) to capture the
未来的智慧城市 - Beijing City Lab
Size of … In light of the increasingly complex socioeconomic processes and changes, today’s cities as complex systems will not be able to respond to numerous challenges unless they possess a governance model that can flexibly adjust to shifting external conditions. In this regard, there is growing demand for innovative management tools combining solutions from different fields. The ‘smart city Creation of PowerPoint presentations (when required). And execution of any tasks assigned to you by him.
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智慧城市 - Habitat III
Many technologies such as Big Data, Artificial THE GLOBAL SCOPE Intelligence, Computer Vision, AR/VR, Cybersecurity and Blockchain were not available even a decade ago. At the same For the citizen, smartness becomes reduced to a form of smart mentality, simply adopting the right frame of mind to accept and cope with the inevitability of urban technological change. Hoornweg (2011) argues, “At its core a smart city is a welcoming, inclusive city, an open city. This article contributes to the analysis of the relationship between urban renewal processes and sustainable development in mature beach destinations and the adoption of smart tourism.
未来的智慧城市 - Beijing City Lab
础设施, http://www.smart-cities.eu/download/smart_cities_final_report.pdf. 3 随着城市化趋势,需要寻求进行城市设计、规划、管理和治理的策略性、创新性方法。随 信息通信技术基础设施起“粘合剂”作用,将作为基础平台的城市的所有其他智能.
Our aim is to contribute to ‘smart food city’ conceptualizations by extending the notion of what makes a city ‘smart’ to include market and non-market activities, with particular attention to forms of urban activism pursuing urban food systems. Policies promoting creative, smart, sustainable cities continue to dominate global urban policy scripts.
策略. 集成和监控. 收集. 过滤和转换. 存储.
智慧城市 - Habitat III
At present, hybrid technology is the most followed by users, due particularly to socioeconomic factors such as cost of investment and range anxiety. After a deep discussion of the Italian scenario, the aim of the paper is to recognize whether fuel cell technology may be an enabling solution to 1/8/2018 IntroductionIt is not just corporations that are seeing rapid changes due to major global challenges, such as globalization, climate change and digitalization. Societies, cities and regions are also experiencing these changes. Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050 (United Nations, 2018). A ‘smart-mentality’ focused on techno-scientific solutions risks to separate the city from its very politicization.
Neglecting issues of citizens’ accountability for participation and deliberative governance, the ‘co-creation’ with data and citizens—often claimed by smart cities experiments—risk remaining a pure ‘exercise’ in public engagement. smart mentality and away from a simply compliance mentality. Many actions appear to be done simply because it is thought to be required. QA oversight needs to stop doing program reviews unless there is a change to the program.
Many technologies such as Big Data, Artificial THE GLOBAL SCOPE Intelligence, Computer Vision, AR/VR, Cybersecurity and Blockchain were not available even a decade ago. At the same For the citizen, smartness becomes reduced to a form of smart mentality, simply adopting the right frame of mind to accept and cope with the inevitability of urban technological change. Hoornweg (2011) argues, “At its core a smart city is a welcoming, inclusive city, an open city. This article contributes to the analysis of the relationship between urban renewal processes and sustainable development in mature beach destinations and the adoption of smart tourism. It takes as its case study Spanish destinations taking part in publicly-funded projects and plans designed to convert them into so-called “smart destinations” (SD).
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