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The Thrill of Console Soccer in the Palm of Your Hand With PES 2021, we've taken the same critically acclaimed console gameplay that won E3 2019's "Best Sports Game" award, and distilled its essence to bring you the most authentic soccer experience on mobile to date. With the latest PES 2015, the ball dribbling has been improved a lot, and when you look at the player speed on the field, it is a lot more convincing than in the games of the past. Space and Time for Better Strategy. Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 has a far more reasonable pace than what you might find with FIFA 15. See full list on Aug 19, 2018 · FIFA 19 Download Free Full Game Setup for Windows is a upcoming football simulation video game in the FIFA series of video games, developed and published by Electronic Arts and was released worldwide on 28 September 2018 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.